
February 26, 2017

If it didn't rain so much in Seattle, I would be moving already... I absolutely fell in love, it's so beautiful!!! My favorite part was taking the ferry to Bainbridge. The view you get of downtown, Mt. Rainier, and the Cascade range is unreal. Bainbridge itself isn't that exciting, it's beautiful, but definitely a small town feel. It definitely felt like a setting in a Nicholas Sparks movie.

On our way back to the city we met this woman that gave us some recommendations, one was going to Kerry park and watching the sunset. Since it was a gorgeous, sunny, and clear day, the sunset was going to be AMAZING, and it was!!

I was so happy that we had one day of beautiful weather and were able to walk through Pike Place Market, take the Ferry to Bainbridge, and watch the sunset at Kerry park.

During the rest of our trip we took the monorail to the Space Needle, walked around University of Washington, walked around downtown, of course we went into the first Nordstrom, and we ate A LOT of amazing seafood and drank a lot of coffee.

Jacket: Larry Levine  Jeans: Topshop  Shoes: New Balance

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