Family time in Nevada

August 16, 2016

My Grandma and Aunt Carla Making guacamole 


Brandon and Jack

Emma (Priscilla's dog) sun bathing

Priscilla and Henry

My mom and Aunt Carla

Top: Leith | Skirt: Topshop | Flats: Halogen 

This past weekend I drove to Nevada with my mom, cousin (Brandon), grandma and grandpa for my cousin (Priscilla) baby shower. She delivered three weeks ago to a beautiful baby boy named Henry Benton. I hardly ever get to see my cousins (Trey, Jake, Megan and her family) that live in Nevada and Priscilla and her family (she has another boy, Jack who is almost 2) because she lives in Minnesota right now. It was so much fun being able to see everyone and play with all the kiddos.

My cousin Jake has a virtual reality game that we played all weekend long. It was so cool!! You feel like you're actually in the game (sometimes kinda scary) at times I had to take off the headset because I freaked out lol. We had all our parents and grandparents try which was hilarious.. everyone looked funny while playing it. You can only buy them online and they're pretty expensive. I think the headset, controllers, and the other equipment you have to set up in the room is around $850. You also have to have a good PC computer that can download the software and all of the games. It's a great christmas or birthday present that everyone will love. 

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