Road trip to Pacific City, Oregon

August 10, 2016

View from our Balcony

Last week I went on a road trip to Pacific City, Oregon for a wedding with Chases family. I haven’t been to a wedding in awhile and I’ve never been to Oregon so I was very excited! We drove in a Tesla, so we had to stop about every two hours to charge. Some stops were very convenient and had a Starbucks or other food options. Some had a shopping mall (usually I’d be excited), which wasn’t ideal because all we wanted was a restroom and to get some more snacks. The first day, it took us about 10 hours to get to our first destination, Santa Rosa.

Day two:
The next day we visited four wineries in Alexander Valley. We had a driver, which I highly recommend if your touring a lot of wineries, that way you don’t have to worry about driving and you can enjoy your day. The first winery we went to was Lancaster. It was my favorite one… maybe because I drank a little too much and left feeling pretty buzzed. The second was Stonestreet winery. I liked this one because we sat outside and enjoyed our wine, well most of it. For breakfast I only ate half of a scone (bad idea) so I was pretty hungry at this point and ended up dumping most of my wine. Next we stopped at Sbragia Vineyard. We ate our lunch that we picked up on the way. This winery sits on top of a hill so you have a gorgeous view of the valley. I didn’t care that much for the wine, I also started feeling sick so I wasn’t trying most of them. Our last winery was Silver Oak. I was really excited to visit but the thought of tasting more wine sounded awful. I’ve had wine from Silver Oak before and it’s AMAZING.. so I forced myself to have more. We had four tastings, two from the Napa Valley winery and two from the Alexander valley winery. I really liked the two from Napa Valley, I didn’t care too much for the Alexander Valley tastings. After this I never wanted to look at wine again lol.

Day three:
We drove about 14 hours from Santa Rosa to Pacific City. The drive was so beautiful!! It was worth the long car ride.

Day Four: The LaPierre/Davies wedding!
We got in so late the night before that we couldn’t see anything driving in. When I woke up, I walked to the balcony to this gorgeous view of the ocean. Pacific City is a beautiful, small, and quaint beach town, perfect setting for a wedding. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful!! The reception (also gorgeous) was so much fun!! Of course we had too much to drink and danced the whole night.

Day Five:
We decided to stay one more day to nurse our hangovers lol. I couldn’t imagine driving 14 hours in a car, stopping every 2 hours. We had a relaxing day of eating, sleeping and watching the Olympics.

Day Six:
We were dreading this day but also wanted to get home. Driving a Tesla on a road trip (longer then 15 hours) is not ideal. When you program your destination in the map, it finds super charge stations on your route to stop at. Our first charging stop seemed out of the way. It was 3 ½ hours north of where we were and then had us drive back down to the last charging station that we stopped out on our way to pacific city. We didn’t want to run out of battery so we trusted it and followed the route. Well, it added 4 hours to our already long drive. We wanted to cry!! We ended up getting to our hotel at 1:30 AM. At this point we were delirious and could not function, all we could do was laugh. We bought little bottles of wine at one of the stops and decided to have a glass before going to bed.

Day Seven:
We woke up, somewhat rested and beyond excited that it was our last day in the car. Chases mom realized we only had 26 miles left and the closest charging station was 23 miles away. She had to drive 40-50 mph on the freeway so we could make it. Luckily we made it with 2 miles left!!! It was such a relief. About 10 hours later we made it home!!

Even with all of the stops, driving out of the way, and almost running out of battery, it was such a fun trip!!

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  1. Good summary of the trip! I'm so glad you came with us. ❤️ It was such a fun beautiful wedding, and it was great to see Kit and Devin in Sonoma for wine tasting. The Tesla was a pain, but we survived. I wanted to sell her when she took us so far out of our way, but I've decided to forgive her. I'm glad we could all laugh about it. Fun times!

